Hard work is essential for achieving success, as it requires discipline, self-control, responsibility, sacrifice and a positive mindset. The current instant culture can make it difficult to commit to something as it requires time and patience to see results. Hard work increases the chances of success, even if luck plays a role. Hard work is not just about the competition or the final outcome, but also about the unseen effort in the preparation. Finally, for someone who feels they may not be talented, it is important to remember that hard work can make up for lack of natural ability.
The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses - behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.” - “Muhammad Ali
The current “instant culture” has led to an expectation of instant gratification and instant results, which can create a culture where people are less inclined to put in the hard work and effort required to achieve their goals.
This leads to a decrease in patience, an increase in the expectation of instant success, and a lack of understanding of the value of hard work and perseverance.
The instant culture makes it harder for people to appreciate the journey of hard work and the process of achieving success, rather than just focusing on the end goal. This can ultimately make it difficult for people to see the importance of hard work in achieving success.
Despite the effects of the instant culture, hard work remains the number one way to achieve success.
The ability to persevere through obstacles, to learn and improve oneself, and to stay committed to the process, is what sets those who achieve success apart from those who do not.
hard work remains the number one way to achieve success
But I’m not talented
Often people given up on things because they don’t feel they’re talented enough, and its true
not everyone can be great at anything just by choice.
However, people also rarely put in the time to succeed. This goes beyond “giving it a chance”.
You probably heard of the “10,000 hours” rule, and that perhaps in itself is daunting and scary.
You’ll be amazed of what you can do if you deeply apply yourself.
You’ll be amazed of what you can do if you deeply apply yourself
The first 100 hours
Let’s narrow the scope, no more buzzwords.
First, how long are 100 hours?
Most people can spend at the very least 1 hour a day.
That means that in 100 days, which are roughly 3 months, you can put in 100 hours.
During these first 100 hours, it’s important to establish a routine and stick to it, this will help you to stay motivated and focused on your goals.
The key is to put in consistent and deliberate effort, rather than just sporadic bursts of energy.
So, for example, 1 hor of active work is great, 2 hours of passively watching youtube/udemy could be a waste of time.
Here are a few things that can help you get the ball rolling:
- Set yourself a goal - this has to be realistic but ambitious, for example - I want to be able to draw simple objects like fruit
- Commit to progressing each day, this can be a small, insignificant improvement, for example, draw at least 15 minutes every day.
- Perhaps going against obvious advice: Don’t measure, don’t track progress, give yourself time, it’s not about immediate results.
- Reflect after 10-30 hours, what can you improve in your routine?
Don’t measure, don’t track, it’s not about immediate results.
The hardest parts about commitment
Committing to something is scary as it involves taking on responsibility and accountability, which can be uncomfortable.
Commitment also requires a certain level of sacrifice, as committing to something often means giving up other things in order to focus on that one thing.
Lastly, no one likes failing and attempting to commit to something can can trigger a non-constructive fear of failure.
Commit to doing one thing a day, no matter how small.
What about luck? it’s not all hard work
It’s important to note that while hard work is a key component of success, luck also plays a role in one’s success. Sometimes, despite putting in a lot of hard work, you may not achieve your desired goals.
However, hard work increases the chances of success, by preparing a person with the necessary skills, mindset and attitude.
Success mindset, or “failure is not an option”, generates the type of resilience that puts successful people ahead - they will continue long after others would’ve stopped.
It’s a known fact that hardworking people tend to be more resilient, and have a better chance of bouncing back from failure.
It’s this writer’s opinion that it’s the other way around. Resilient people are hardworking.
Having, Improving and losing resilience is an entire other blogpost I might get around to in the future.
In short, luck perhaps helps, but as the old latin proverb goes - Fortune favors the bold.
Luck helps, but fortune favours the bold
Give yourself time - I know it’s difficult, but attempt to ignore the chase for instant gratification.
Hard work is essential for achieving success, and our society’s emphasis on results can dishearten the best of us.
I claim that success comes from deliberate, hard and honest work, and when we see success, we should always remember the amount of effort that was involved.
Remember that even water can erode mountains given enough time.
Be happy.